Give Mom Something She’ll Love!
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I’m thinking of our Mothers this week.
Yes, Mother’s Day is coming up, but even more so because the most wonderful Mother I have ever known has just passed, a woman who taught me what it is to be a Mother. A fierce but gentle woman who loved, disciplined and nurtured all nine of her daughters (three biological and the rest spiritual) with more wisdom and beauty, kindness and honesty than I would ever have known had I not been lucky enough to be welcomed into her family when I was 15 years old, 45 years ago.
I think about the strength, tenacity and resilience of my surrogate Mother, how she held her family together through difficult times and never showed any sign of strain. How she never varied from her priorities of home and family, and never faltered in her determination to make everything all right for those she loved.
She was a woman who often inspired awe, but also created an environment of love, acceptance and security. Under her wing was a place to feel safe for six of us girls who weren’t born to this incredible woman, but who were lucky enough to find shelter from our individual struggles in her warm and welcoming embrace.
My surrogate Mother gave me the greatest of gifts without effort or even noticing that anything had been shared. Simply by being who she was, she taught me so much about what is important, about carrying on no matter the difficulties, and about the absolute love of family above everything. I am eternally grateful.
If you are lucky enough to have a Mother in your life, or a daughter who has become a Mother, we have many beautiful vintage gifts at that might be just the thing to delight her this Mother’s Day.

See these and many more thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts at!
Happy Mother’s Day!
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